
When Glacier Park was originally discovered, people just cared about the minerals and other things that they could harvest from it. However people soon started to realize the true beauty of the area. This brought  tourist to come and see for themselves. Many people started to push for the creation of a national park- people like George Bird Grinnel.In 1910, Grinnel's wish came true, and President Taft established the area as Glacier National Park-America's 10th national park. Because of its growing popularity, roads, trails, and lodging were becoming a necessity. One major project that they took upon themselves was the Going to the Sun road. It took around 11 years to build, and the last section was finally finished in 1932.
Peace Park
In 1931 people up in Canada with Waterton Lakes National Park started to suggest a Peace Park to signify peace. This finally came through in 1932 when both governments voted for it and it is now known as Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. This was the first Peace Park and it put little Montana on the map as well as the Waterton area.
Both parks have become very popular, and they still remain together as the International Peace Park. Both are very scenic and have places for everyone. At the Prince of Wales Hotel up in Canada or McDonald Lake Lodge in Glacier Park, you can see the skilled handy work of the people who built it, and get a glimpse of the history.